註:引文作者Ross Anderson,是「信任運算Trusted Computing」這項新興產業標準的反對者,他的網站`Trusted Computing' Frequently Asked Questions有饒富趣味、不同於業界巨頭的觀點,值得一讀.其實是有翻譯的,我也看過,但在寫作本文時,不知何故連接不上.願意讀中文版的朋友,請自行嘗試英文網頁開頭、選擇Chinese版本的超連結.(補註:連得上了.請按這裡)
引文摘自上述網頁的FAQ24,節錄如下:In the US Department of Defense, a `trusted system or component' is defined as `one which can break the security policy'. This might seem counter-intuitive at first, but just stop to think about it. The mail guard or firewall that stands between a Secret and a Top Secret system can - if it fails - break the security policy that mail should only ever flow from Secret to Top Secret, but never in the other direction. It is therefore trusted to enforce the information flow policy.
Or take a civilian example: suppose you trust your doctor to keep your medical records private. This means that he has access to your records, so he could leak them to the press if he were careless or malicious. You don't trust me to keep your medical records, because I don't have them; regardless of whether I like you or hate you, I can't do anything to affect your policy that your medical records should be confidential. Your doctor can, though; and the fact that he is in a position to harm you is really what is meant (at a system level) when you say that you trust him. You may have a warm feeling about him, or you may just have to trust him because he is the only doctor on the island where you live; no matter, the DoD definition strips away these fuzzy, emotional aspects of `trust' (that can confuse people).
原發表於Jeff & Jill的窩,2006/04/26 12:19:17